Monday, 1 February 2010

Exhibition 'identity'

On Thursday i went on a trip to a museum near Euston station with some students and my lecture. at the museum there was a exhibition called identity which was rearer interesting to see. i saw some useful images and sculptures. i took a couple of photos that i found appealing and interesting. Here are two photos i picked out. i found this useful towards my environment project.

Robin Blackledge (Bristish)
Barber DNA, January 2003

The origin of the familiar barbershop sign is said to be derived from the original 'sign' of the barber surgeon in the middle ages. Bandages, soaked with blood from surgical operations were hung from poles outside the premises of the barber surgeon, advertising their practice. The wind would wrap the bandages around the pole, hence its development into the modern barber shop sign. The spiral helix in DNA sequences is a poignant link to surgical metaphors of the past, while in itself revealing each layer of our genetic story.

Mechanical Heart

This illustration is a montage of a digitally enhanced pencil drawing of the human heart and photographs of different brass instruments. Bill McConkeys vision was that the heart was much like an ornate machine. He likens the valves of these instruments those that separate the four chambers of the heart, ensuring that oxygenated and deoxygenated blood do not mix.
BILL says:'In my mind it seems to make sense that if the entire human body were created mechanically, it would be an elaborate series of pipes, valves and pistons(except for the brain). This seemed to conjure up the kind of design and elegance of machinery around the turn of the last century; steam trains and clockwork devices."

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